Sunday, June 27, 2010

VBS Family Night

On the last night of VBS all the kids put on a show for the parents and afterwards there was a big potluck.  This was the first night that Logan said he didn't want to go to VBS so we knew he must have been nervous about the show.  I honestly didn't think he would even get on the stage, or that if he did he would be crying the whole time.  Well he surprised us by getting up there but he did not move a muscle or sing any parts of the songs! He was like a statue! LOL For the 1st song he stood there just staring at the audience.  The next 2 songs he went out but he faced the back the entire time.  For the last song his teacher sat on the stage with him and moved his arms for him.  I guess Broadway is not in his future : )  Here are the video clips and pictures. Doug taped the first song and I think he kept unhitting the record button because he taped it in 4 parts? I taped the other 3:





Logan giving his tithe:

Sitting with his class:

This is the best smile he could give me before the show started.  He told me he had bubbles in his tummy.  Haha!

All the kids on stage:

Logan with 2 of his teachers:

Logan and his favorite teacher Ms. Mary:

Aila loved the cake at the potluck:

Logan at the potluck...still no smile!

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