Friday, May 29, 2009

Doctor Appointment

Today we had Logan's 2 year check up and Aila's 9 month check up. They were both lucky and did not need any shots! Just a little toe prick to check their hemoglobins, which both were fine. Here are their stats:

Logan is 37.5 inches tall. He is in the top percentiles for hieght and the doctor estimates his adult hieght to be 6ft 1, which means he could be taller than his daddy! (Doug is only 6 ft). Logan weighs 25 pounds and he is back on the chart for his weight! He is in the 20th percentile! YAY! The doctor is happy to see that Logan's weight is catching up to his hieght.

Aila is 26 inches short. I say short because she is only in the 5th percentile. She weighs 14 pounds 9 ounces which puts her in the negative percentile for weight. She is fine though because she is short and skinny. If she was tall and skinny like Logan was then they would be worried. So yay! Nothing to stress about. The doctor thinks she will be petite like me : )

So both kiddos are healthy and both kiddos are doing great!

1 comment:

Passion for Baby Fashion said...

Hey Vanessa, I think I need your email!!! LOL, it might be easier to communicate that way. =) It only shows the pic when I put the code in... I went to that site too.

I don't see where it says YOUR TEXT HERE. I am trying to add it as a "gadget" and then a "picture". Do you know what I'm doing wrong?