Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Aila is 14 Months Old

Aila is now 14 months old. She is really starting to communicate well. If you ask her what she wants she will point to it. She can now say: mama, dada, buba (for brother), hi, cat, eyes, grape, bye bye, night night, uh uh, nice, baby, and what's that? She can do the signs for more, all done, nurse, bath, and eat. She can also touch her nose, eyes, ears, mouth, head, tummy, and toes when you ask her to.

This month she got 3 new teeth! 2 of them are on the top towards the back of her mouth on either side and 1 of them is comming in on the bottom right next to her two front teeth. She actually bit me today on purpose! I am hoping that this does not become a phase. She is still nursing and I probably won't wean her anytime too soon with the way this flu season is going to be. She only nurses twice a day and I would rather her have the extra antibodies.

Aila's favorite things to do are dance to music, eat pretty much anything, follow her brother around and play with our cat and dog. She has also started kissing everything and everyone. At story time this week Aila and this little boy kept hugging and kissing eachother. They even knocked eachother over twice! Daddy says she can't date until she is 30 but she is already kissing boys! LOL

Aila was the happiest, easiest baby and now she is oficially the happiest, easiest toddler!


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