Monday, March 23, 2009

Michael's 13th Birthday

Yesterday we went to my cousins' house for a birthday celebration. My youngest cousin, Michael, turned 13!!! Wow! Kids grow up way too fast! I remember when he was just a little baby! We had fun eating pizza and hanging out with our family. Logan even went in their pool and he got to play on their trampoline (which made his day!). My cousin even brought over the movie "Twilight" so that I could see it. We had such a good time!

Birthday boy:

My Family:

Logan's favorite part of any birthday party...the cake!:

Logan kissing Aila:

Logan loves their dog:


My cousin is doing a science fair project and she needed to fingerprint all of us. This is my dad getting printed...hope he's not a suspect for any crimes!!!:

The usual picture of my dad asleep...I swear he could sleep anywhere!:

Logan on the trampoline:

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