Thursday, July 15, 2010


This is Doug and as many of you know I dont do much of the posting on hear but today is our 5 year aniversary and I thought i would tell the world the many reasons I love Vanessa Sheppard. We have only been married five years but I honestly can barely remeber not having Vanessa in my life. I remember that I didn't like it but other than that there was not much to talk about. She completes me, gives me confidence, she makes me feel like I can do anything I put my mind to, she makes me dance (seriously I never danced before i met her.) She makes me feel so loved. I am so glad to be married to her and to have her as the mother of my children. Nessa you are th best and i cant wait to be married for 50 more years.

1 comment:

Crystal Lee said...

So sweet. Hope you guys are doing well.