Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Logan is 34 Months Old

Logan is now 34 months old! I can't believe he will be 3 in only 2 more months! He is definitely showing some signs of maturity.  He is learning to show empathy for others and whenever one of his friends are hurt or sad he always wants to pray for them.  I call him my little prayer warrior because throughout the day he is constantly praying for this or that and it comes out of nowhere! I just know he is going to be an amazing man of God just like his daddy : )

This month Logan has taken an interest in singing songs.  He has been singing the lyrics to his cds and I didn't even know that he knew them! His favorite is his Toy Story soundtrack.  He is also starting to make up songs and they are just the cutest! I should try to get him to make one up for the camera.

He has been doing excellent in his Sunday school classes and loves being around the other kids.  He asks me all the time if he can go to school.  I am starting to look into some preschools for next year.  Parks and Rec has sort of an intro to preschool class that is pretty cheap and I think it might be a good place to start.  We'll see!

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