Friday, January 1, 2010

Sheppard Update- January

Happy New Year everyone! We hope you are all doing well. We have had an insanely busy month! We welcomed a new baby Sheppard, had an awesome visit with Doug's parents, celebrated Christmas at 4 different locations, had Doug's birthday and said goodbye to Doug's brother and family as they move to Texas! Here are the updates on our family:

Logan is still saying the funniest things. He asked me if I was born in a manger and when I told him, "No, I was born in a hospital." he asked, " Why? Were you hurt?" LOL. He is also starting a list of everything he wants to do when he gets bigger. At the top of the list are: ride a tractor, go on a boat, and go to school.

Aila was doing great with potty training but we stopped for the last 2 weeks since we were out and about so much. We will be starting back up again today. Also, she decided it was time to wean from nursing and as of this month is completely weaned. I am a little sad because nursing is so much easier than always having to clean cups and I love all the vitamins and antibodies she gets from nursing, but I guess 16 months was a decent amount of time : ) But go figure, the month she stops nursing, she gets an ear infection! Poor baby!

Doug finished his EMT training and is ready to be hired...that is if anyone was hiring! Thank the Lord though that his business picked up a bit and we have already been able to pay our rent this month! Doug is ready for whatever God has in store, whether it be a job as a fireman, a full-time pastor, or a business owner. We could end up delivering baby kangaroos in Australia for all I know!

I had a very bad kidney infection this month and am finally starting to feel back to normal. Other big news for me is that I have started dancing again, which is so much fun! Also, as of this month I am lower than my pre-pregnancy weight! Yay for loose fitting pants!

We look forward to everything that is to come in 2010! I'll continue to keep you updated through our blog. Check it out at:

I also have a blog about what God is teaching me that you can see at:

And Doug has his own blog with devotionals at:

Yes, we are a blogging family : )


NeSsA, DoUg, LoGaN, & AiLa


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