Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Houston Children's Museum

The Houston Children's Museum is FREE every Thursday! The kids love the Phoenix Children's Museum so I couldn't wait to take them here.  I was finally feeling well enough to venture out with the 2 kids on my own so I took them on Thursday.  It was great! There wasn't even a line to get in! The Phoenix Museum is only free once a month and you have to get there 30 minutes early and wait on a big line.  Here you can just go right in and it wasn't even crowded! The kids had a blast and if it isn't raining I plan on taking them again this week.

The loved this little train:

There is a booth that takes your picture and then you write in the talk bubble a message for the museum.

This was a machine that had 2 levers to pull in order to manuever a little disk inside.  Logan loved it!

Aila really liked throwing the golf balls and trying to get them in the holes.

The kids had fun spinning these huge disks.

Logan learned what a pulley is and he thinks it is the coolest thing ever.

Logan and Aila both had fun pretending to whiddle wood.

This giant Viatnamese boat was so neat.

This was Logan's favorite.  It was a little scooter like they ride around on in Viatnam and there was a screen in front with a moving picture so it made it look like you were really driving.

The kids had fun pretending to fish on this boat.  And look another pulley!

They were sad when nothing came out of the cow.  LOL

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